
Lowongan Kerja Bernofarm

Lowongan Kerja Bernofarm

Along with the government growth and development program for nationwide healthcare to Indonesian people, PT. Bernofarm realizes that health has become one of the most important factors in upgrading the welfare and building national productivity. To keep up with the government programs, Bernofarm keep on innovating to contribute its best for the health of Indonesian people.

Bernofarm began its business on March 13, 1971. This company has transformed from its humble family oriented company employing 20 personals to the private owned company managed by group of, innovative and smart worked professionals from manufacturing, supporting, and marketing side of 2900 employees who are committed to reach company vision. Nowadays Bernofarm has developed a complete therapeutic product range for all upper and lower segments supported by strong financial, productivity, and capacity of manufacturing management by providing complete range business units, from branded generic business through prescription, generic business through Dinkes and government hospitals in the smallest government rural areas, Over the Counter drugs, and other consumer and nutraceutical products.

In line with its vision and mission, Bernofarm acknowledge that implementing Good Corporate Governance will impact to company’s performance and positive image. For manifestation of Bernofarm’s commitment on Production Quality, Environment, and Safety of Employees, the company has implemented current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) as well as gained ISO 9001:2008 on quality management, ISO 14001:2004 on environment and ISO 18001:2007 on health and safety management. Such development is in line with company’s mission to improve health for a better life and welcome implementation of Indonesian National Insurance Scheme.

We Are Hiring

Explore all the different opportunities available in Bernofarm. From the office, lab, or even the production floor, your work will contribute to the advancement of science and healthcare.

Analytical & Development Staff (R&D)

  • Pendidikan apoteker
  • Perempuan, usia max 25 tahun
  • Menguasai instrumen analisis (HPLC)
  • Minat tinggi untuk bekerja di laboratorium
  • Penempatan di Sidoarjo – Jawa Timur dan diutamakan domisili Jawa Timur

PPIC Officer

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy / Pharmacist, Industrial / Chemical Engineering or equivalent
  • Min 2 year experience in the related field
  • Experienced in Pharmaceutical Industry will be preferable
  • Excellent knowledge of Production Planning and have a passion in manufacture environment
  • Placement in Sidoarjo – East Java

Assistant Scientist (R&D)

  • Pendidikan min S1 Biokimia atau Apoteker
  • Usia max 25 tahun
  • Memahami dasar-dasar analisa Kimia menggunakan HPLC, UPLC, LC MS/MS
  • Memiliki pengalaman min 1 tahun pada bidang yang sama (HPLC)
  • Penempatan di Sidoarjo – Jawa Timur

System Administrator

  • Pendidikan min S1, Teknik Komputer / Teknik Informatika
  • Laki-laki, usia max 30 tahun
  • Mahir dalam manajemen Server (SFTP, SSH, SMB, RSYNC dll) Linux Ubuntu
  • Memiliki pengalaman dalam setup, optimasi dan pemeliharaan Server Web (Tomcat, Apache dll), Database Server (Postgresql), VM, Hardware Server (RAID dll), Server Mail (Zimbra)
  • Memiliki tambahan pengetahuan dalam Networking (RouterOS) akan diprioritaskan
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di Sidoarjo – Jawa Timur

We Are Hiring

Production Staff (Sterile)

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Pharmacy / Pharmacist
  • Minimum GPA 3.00
  • Fluent in English both verbal & written
  • Have a knowledge in sterile production process
  • Hard worker, high accuracy, good dicipline and leadership, honest and can carry a responsibility
  • Willing to work in shift system (3 shifts)
  • Placement in Sidoarjo – East Java

Project Engineering Coordinator

  • Pendidikan min S1 Teknik Mesin / Listrik / Mekatronika atau sejenisnya
  • Menguasai Project Manajemen terutama dalam bidang engineering
  • Berpengalaman mengatur dan menangani segala keperluan yang berkaitan dengan Project Engineering (Sistem kerja baru, mesin baru, trial mesin dan sejenisnya)
  • Penempatan di Sidoarjo – Jawa Timur

Teknisi Listrik (Arus Kuat)

  • Pendidikan min D3 Teknik Distribusi Tenaga Listrik
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
  • Menguasai tentang arus kuat, komunikatif, dapat bekerja dalam tim
  • Memahami tentang listrik building
  • Dapat melakukan perbaikan dan pemeliharaan yang berkaitan dengan listrik building
  • Penempatan di Sidoarjo – Jawa Timur

Analis R&D

  • Pendidikan SMK Kimia Analis / Kimia Industri
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer, preparasi sampel
  • Bersedia bekerja shift dan lembur
  • Mempunyai kemampuan berhitung yang baik
  • Penempatan di Sidoarjo – Jawa Timur

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Lowongan Kerja Bernofarm

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